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In Residence

Photograph of the box room, my bedroom, study and studio. Priya Jay, 2021.
In this piece, Priya Jay reflects on what it meant to be a writer in residence in the first half of 2021, during a period of protracted national lockdown, isolation and mourning. As research time, pandemic time and the time of illness and grief become porously enmeshed, Jay considers the very meaning of ‘residency’, a word whose Latin root is remain, and which she associates with personal abode and the body-home. The text was written and edited on Google Docs, and is offered to the reader in the same format. Clicking on hyperlinks, readers are invited to retrace Jay‘s research journey, while at the same time opening up new portals.

Priya Jay was Afterall Writer in Residence between January and June 2021. Her essay can be read here.

To mark the eventual culmination of my residency, through this stretchy-porous year, I share this stretchy-porous text. It was written and edited on Google Docs, and that is how I give it over to you. Click the links, and tabs will bloom on your browser, let them multiply, this is how the research found me and how I slowly found my words.

Photograph of the box room, my bedroom, study and studio. Priya Jay, 2021.
Screenshot of search history on 4 November at 13:10. Priya Jay, 2021.
Screenshot from Shawn Wilson’s lecture ‘Research is Ceremony: Researching within an Indigenous Paradigm.’ Priya Jay, 2021.