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Contradictions: A Conversation with Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse, Still from Broken Spectre, 2022, four channel 4K video with 12.1 surround sound, 74min 12sec. The rainforest burns in Rondônia. The film’s black and white scenes were shot on monochrome infrared S35mm film. This is possibly the second time that B&W infrared film has been used to create motion picture sequences. The other were scenes from Soy Cuba, 1964. Courtesy the artist, Jack Shainman Gallery and carlier|gebauer
In this conversation with Afterall editor Charles Stankievech, Richard Mosse discusses his use of  infrared surveillance film for documenting conflict and thermal imaging camera to picture refugee crises, as well as his recent work Broken Spectre which incorporates ultraviolet light and engages with multispectral imaging technologies to portray the environmental impact of deforestation in the Amazon. The conversation delves into the complexities of Indigenous communities’ relationships with development, environmental degradation, and the role of immersive installations in conveying impactful messages to diverse audiences.