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AC2K, A.F.A., Co. & C. de L.

Art Club 2000, an artists’ collective active during the 1990s, was made up of eight enterprising art school undergraduates: Craig Wadlin, Soibian Spring, Sarah Rossiter, Will Rollins, Shannon Pultz, Daniel McDonald, Gillian Haratani and Patterson Beckwith…Art Club 2000, an artists’ collective active during the 1990s, was made up of eight enterprising art school undergraduates: Craig Wadlin, Soibian Spring, Sarah Rossiter, Will Rollins, Shannon Pultz, Daniel McDonald, Gillian Haratani and Patterson Beckwith, who made art and produced exhibitions – two activities they understood as having separate implications. When the group began they were studying at Cooper Union – a tuition-free institution in New York’s East Village – with teachers such as Hans Haacke and Mark Dion, meaning that although the members were exposed to the extreme capitalism of the city, they were also allowed enough distance to appreciate its effects. Art Club 2000, with its precocity, became a unique clash of commodity fetishism and institutional critique.